Friday, January 2, 2009

Lost In Transition

Here I sit at my computer that I have not used in about four months to post any blogs. I have been very busy working all the overtime I can for a better life but instead it has only given me grief. Thus I am slipping deeper in to debt. The word or should I say words that best describe the way I feel are helpless, frustrated, angry, confused and most of all pissed. At thirty-two years of age after two neck surgeries and now being medicated out the ass just to fucking paint my way in to more debt, I just finding out that my health insurance has been raised to $280.00 robbed from my check each week. Bastards.

So now I ask myself what do I do? The only logical answer is to get a second job until I can learn to reinvent myself and hopefully pursue a career with affordable benefits. This is going to be very difficult since there are very few jobs at all out there. I have already started asking around to places if they are hiring in my travels which so far include Happy Harry's, Acme and Astra Zeneca. Guess what? Yeah, that's right no one is hiring.

For twenty years I have mostly been a painter working with my hands which is why I am going to have a hard time learning anything else including typing and working with computers. That whole teaching an old dog new trick senerio. For some reason I have been thinking about trying to get involved in some sort of forensic work but I don't know if I will be able to handle schooling, my job and my family. Just to inform everyone, one of my stepsons is severely autistic and most people I am sure would not be able to even handle him. All that I can do is try my best and keep plugging forward and try to drag myself out of this muddy world.

My next step is to try to teach myself the right way to type which is going to be hard the way my fingers are from being in construction for so long. So I guess I will try to put aside all distractions; like credit card companies calling me four times a day to try and collect their money. Bastards. They obviously think I am joking or something since they keep calling. They know I have a excellent record for paying on time, but those heartless bastards dont' care. I would imagine most of you are in the same boat, unless you are some of the fortunate few. I don't even answer the fucking phone anymore.

Well I have said enough for now and will leave you with this picture of how I feel.

If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, or other tib bits of unful information....I am all ears.

Rant over.


acrosstheuniverse said...

Don't stop fighting the good fight, DWND. You are a good person and I know how good you are at what you do. Have you tried the home improvement stores and smaller hardware stores? You would be a HUGE asset with your experience, say in the paint or construction department, and there could also be possibilities there for lots of networking with never know, there may be a rich old lady who needs her house painted, or a construction superintendent who just lost one of his guys...

Malicious Intent said...

Hey, wait a minute there young lady. He happens to really like old ladies, not sure if I am so comfortable with that! How about some really old guys missing limbs or something. Drafting men are not to be trusted with old ladies...I know...he married one. So did his brother.

Malach the Merciless said...

Hey, everythings all better, the Dow went up over 9000 today!

Malicious Intent said...

Malach has spoken.

Kitty said...

I have no wisecracks or good advice to offer. Other than to say 'hang on in there' - which isn't much good to anyone really, is it? It's what I did though, when things were at their worst, and they're not quite as bad now, so .... just maybe it helps?

Take care :-)

goooooood girl said...

your blog is so good......

Practically Joe said...

Damn credit card companies ... they say they'ed like to help you but not until you're four or five months behind.
But let me get this straight ... you are in the construction business and specialize in keeping out the drafts?
There must be work where it's cold, I would think.

Drafting With No Direction said...

ATU-Thanks for the support.

MI-You again?

MAL-When will I get my check? MI is sucking me dry.

KITTY-Thanks for the support. MI thinks a great deal of you.

PJOE-The problem is not getting work in construction. It is reinventing myself to get out of construction for the sake of my health.

Malicious Intent said...

Don't worry, it will get better just as long as we keep putting one foot forward. No need to run, just one tiny step at a time.